While reading elements of style blog, I ran across her husband's blog The Dark Horse. I love his rules for life... I sometimes feel I am a little old fashion, but I agree with most... think of them as the golden social rules... maybe except #3 and I would say anyone should give up there seat to elderly, handicapped, mother's with small children or pregnant women!
Rules for Life
1. Always open the door for a woman (and for that matter anyone else…it is just a nice thing to do).
2. See rule 1 when it comes to a car door. Especially for your wife…it always lets her know that you love her. Even in a fight…perhaps especially in a fight.
3. Guys pay for dinner. Especially on first dates (really can’t believe I have to say that, but Erin has shared some stories and I am stunned at the lack of class by some people). This rule can be broken on special occasions such as a guy’s birthday, but even then you should put up a fight.
4. On a subway, in this order, give your seat up for: The Handicapped, The Elderly, Men or Women with kids, and finally for women. Men stand until everyone has a seat.
5. The left lane is for passing…always. Not just where it says, “Slow traffic keep to the right”. This is true everywhere there is more than one lane going in the same direction. Even if you are driving a Hybrid.
6. You cannot parallel park by pulling in front first. It does not work.
7. There is no reason to walk around naked in the locker room. Use a towel.
8. If you are lost…it is not everyone else’s problem. The people behind you would like to get by you or have you keep at least a minimum of speed up. It is ok to turn around later if you missed your street. Keep pace.
9. With regards to rule #8, on a highway, do not brake hard and cut across several lanes of traffic so that you can make the exit you are about to miss. Drive the extra 2 miles and get off at the next one and turn around.
10. With regards to rules #8 and #9. Get a GPS. Especially if you are prone to getting lost or are in a new city.